Three Mistakes That Might Prevent You From Sharing Your Story & What To Do About It

Three Mistakes That Might Prevent You From Sharing Your Story & What To Do About It

So, you want to write something to share with the world. The question is – what is holding you back? Usually, people make a few solid mistakes when it comes to owning their stories. Without further ado, let us jump into the list of potential mistakes that you must avoid when it comes to owning and sharing your story.

Read on to understand the keys to sharing your story with your audience. 

Mistake #1: My Story is Not Special 

The first potential mistake that many people make when they have second thoughts about writing their story and sharing it with the world is that they believe that their story is not special. A lot of aspiring writers or even entrepreneurs believe that they don’t have had some massive tragedy or some massive adversity to overcome, which is why their story won’t be interesting for the world or their ideal readers. 

Having such second thoughts is especially true when you start looking at the online world, and you go through all of these sorts of “Hollywood” stories where people are overcoming that massive adversity while aiming for their ultimate goals and reaching them, too. 

Now, if you read all of these “glamorous” or “Hollywood” stories, you might naturally think that your story is – well – not so special. 

Your Story is Unique, Like Everyone Else’s

Instead of allowing your second thoughts to get the better of you, you should know that your stories come in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter how small or big your story is – your story is unique in its own way. In simpler words – your story is unique, just like you. 

Whatever the life events that have shaped you today make you a very special individual. The thing is that only you have experienced those events or sequences, and you can only narrate them in that way. 

Also, keep in mind that it is not about how epic or how special your story is. It all comes down to how much you own your story. 

Mistake #2: Nobody Wants to Know My Story

Another common misconception that countless people have that prevents them from sharing their stories with the world is simply because they think that nobody cares about what they have to say and nobody cares to hear or know about their story.

Instead of having such negative thoughts, you should know that your story has, indeed, the ability to change people’s lives as well as the ability to change yours – if you own your story and spread it. 

The question is, if you are having thoughts about where you believe it down to your core, how do you know? How can you think and believe with such a strong conviction that nobody would care about your story unless you haven’t tried it?  

Have you shared your story? Have you spoken about your journey to date? Have you shared chunks of your story on a platform – maybe – social media? Also, have you actively considered launching your own broadcast channel, and have you stepped on the stage and shared your story with an audience?

You Cannot Believe It Until You Try It 

You get the point – how can you say that nobody cares unless you have tried reaching out or using a medium, such as a podcast or a book, to share your story? By the way, speaking of books, books are one of the most incredible ways to share your story and inspire people. If you know deep within that you have a great story; you might want to hire freelance ghostwriters who can write your story in a compelling way to share with your ideal readers. 

Believe us when we tell you that one of the biggest positive changes that can happen in your life is when you actually take things from idea to action and start working on it and sharing your story with your target audience. 

Rest assured, you will see the result and the guaranteed impact that people will feed back to you. If you look at it, you will see that this is the best gift your story can give you. 

Mistake #3: I Don’t Like to Talk About Myself

Most people who have achieved something great know that others could potentially benefit from it too – they have a really big heart, yet they are uncomfortable coming across as self-promoting. Understandably, it feels vulnerable to put yourself out there like that. Also, many people prefer to hide behind an idea or concept instead of putting themselves on the frontline.

Nonetheless, there is a problem with hiding behind the scenes. If you want to boost your clientele and connect with your target audience or even build a tribe of raving fans, you have to put yourself out there. 

Now, the key to doing that is not to make things about you. Understandably, this aspect can come off as a bit contradictory – but – it is still your story, with the exception that it is not about you. Keep in mind that it is about sharing your story so that it can help someone out there who needs to hear it. 

Share Your Story for That One Person Who Needs It the Most 

The point is that instead of thinking about the entire project of sharing your story in terms of as a way to talk about yourself – you should see it as a gift that you are giving to someone else who can benefit from it and see it as a source of inspiration to overcome a challenge or improve their life altogether. 

That one person who might be listening, reading, or watching your story – they need to hear, read, or see that very content to feel like they are not alone. So, keep in mind that you are sharing your story for that one person and not just for you. This shift in your mindset will help you steer in the right direction and get your story out so that it can reach your ideal reader or that one person who needs it the most right now. 


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